*sigh* this is probably gonna be my longest post ever on this blog. And will probably take a while to write it too.
A few days ago my stake had a trek. It started on a Tuesday and we went home on Friday.
The first day we started at 8:00 at the church. Then got rides to a different church and got water bottles and learned "handcart safety." Finally at around 10:30 we take off with our buckets and bags in the handcarts (we got a 5 gallon bucket as a suitcase and a bag for a sleeping bag and extra coat and shoes).
The first day we hiked 15 miles!! It seemed to take FOREVER!! And we didn't even get to the campsite we were supposed to! The actual place we were supposed to stop was 2 miles further. So it was kind of cramped the first night. After that it was all good 'cause we had dinner (funny story for that.) and we went to bed...then we woke up to rain...at 3:00 in the morning. The girls in my company were in between a tarp. And it was working for a while and than it started leaking in and stuff. So we got out and someone lent us a tent. But that didn't do me too much good because I was on the edge of the sleeping that was unzipped. So I was kinda cold. But than Sister Grenko came and told us there was fire and I got warm. Then I found my bucket wasn't sealed so I spent the rest of the time around around the fire drying my stuff out. Oh yeah we weren't the only ones who got wet. There were only a few people who didn't get wet.
By the way is anyone wondering what happened to the sleeping bags? They got soaked. So the leaders took them to the dry cleaners!! (Funny story for this too).
The second day was SO much better!! Since it rained the trail was all muddy so instead of going the 12 more miles we were supposed to(7 one day, 5 the next) we went five miles, on mostly flat ground that was quite muddy, and stayed there the rest of the trek. The only thing wrong with that five miles was that we had to stop every 10 or 15 minutes! It was kind of annoying! And whats more is that we were 10 minutes from the next campsite and they told us to stop for lunch!! Why couldn't we just FINISH IT!!!! Sorry. I had to get that out. But the rest of the day was good. There was a little river so a lot of people went there and washed their feet and cooled off. Then we had dinner which was much better than the night before. AND we had TENTS!! And yes it did rain but we stayed dry that night. I was very happy.
The next day they decided they wanted us to take us up this really steep hill. (Don't forget it rained the night before). The steep hill was across the river and the bridge was too small to fit the handcart through. So 3 or 4 boys took it from us while we crossed the bridge and they went through the river with the handcart. Then we got the handcart and headed up the hill. Almost like story.
They got us up there, gave us a five minute brake, and took the boys away. Yes. They were gonna do a woman's pull. It was not fun but coming around the corner the boys were standing there and they all had a blank look on there faces that said they wanted to come help. That just gave me a perspective of what the women went through and how much the boys actually did help. (hehe). After that they had us hike a couple more miles but that was OK.
Then we came down the hill (funny story for that too) and when we got to the river we went strait through it with our shoes on. It felt SO good!! After everyone got their handcarts parked most people went to the river and pretty much jump in. Some people even got dunked or just went all the way in. I didn't because I wasn't that hot or desperate.
Than after everyone one was done playing in the river the bishops came and we had a little ward meeting thing. Then we got to eat dinner. It was very good but it wasn't as good as everyone had said it would be.
After a while there was a dance. Yes, I did dance...or try at least. I would've been funner if they had showed us how to dance 2 weeks before instead of 2 months before. (They had a stake mutual on learning how to square dance).
In the morning we had to really early because they wanted us gone by 8:30. Nobody really complained about that because everyone was excited to go home. After everything was put in the handcart we parked and ate breakfast and then we all left.
It was five miles to the church we were supposed to go to. It was pretty boring for the first 2-3 miles. But there was a marathon we ran into and the end so it was fun to cheer them on and read everyone's cheesy advertisements.
I think that's it. If I left out details you want to know I guess you can leave a comment. Sorry it was so long. And sorry there are no pictures. I didn't take a camera.