Thursday, August 13, 2009 good :) PART 2

Well, as I promised, here is the rest of my life.
How about I go from least important to most.

I cut my Bangs! I like them. Sometimes they get in the way. But for the most part I like them and
am glad I cut them. Here's a Picture. Do they look okay?

Puppies are doing pretty good. We only have two left! One blue and one silver. They are bigger now than they are in the picture. But they're still cute.

The Farm or whatever you want to call it is also keeping me busy. We have somewhere around 50 rabbits, 2 cats, 2 puppies and 1 dog. That's just the animals. We also have to pick blackberries (which by the way I picked 13 pounds today and only got halfway done!), and Goji Berries. And don't forget weeding. That's always fun. Oh and don't forget the big lawn I have to mow. We had a big lawn in the first place but then Grandma's house got some grass and now I have a big lawn to mow. I usually end up doing it in two days. Plus all the other random jobs that keep us busy.

School! Well this year for school I will be going to public school. But only for part time. I will do Seminary, Choir, and Food Nutrition...something like that. But all the required classes I get to do at home! On a laptop! That's mine! Yep. I get my own laptop. The school provides it so there's no issue with the programs and stuff. Here's some proof if you don't believe me.

Oh and I have to give a talk this Sunday so I think I'll stop writing. (Or typing). Thanks for reading. :) good :) PART 1

Well. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. But I've been busy. And its not an excuse either. I'll give you proof and just tell you the last month of my life.

To start off, I had girls camp. It was a blast! We had it up at a girls home in Mantua. Some people didn't like it because we weren't sleeping in tents. And I was one of those girls. But I also didn't care because we had flush-able toilets, a really fun water day, and lots of other stuff that you don't get when you go real camping. So there's that.

Then the day after I got home from girls camp, we went to a family reunion up in Afton, Wyoming. No time to write about girls camp there. And the family reunion was so fun! We had lots of games watched movies 'till 2:00am and water fun.
We also made a short video about Mom's and Dad's life from when the met each other up until we moved to Perry, while they were gone. (They had to go back to Perry for a wedding one day of the reunion.) It was pretty funny making the video because at one point I was Mom and Matthew was Dad. And we had really funny scenes. That about sums it up for the reunion.

Then the Monday after we got home I had E.F.Y. for the rest of the week. It was AMAZING!! I had the best time, felt the spirit a lot, and made a lot of friends. I am even going through with drawl because I miss my friends. But there is a reunion for it this Saturday. Hopefully I'll be able to go to that.

And then Rachel (my sister), had her beautiful baby girl. I haven't seen her in person yet but Mom went up and help her for a few days. Which is another I would write about it here's the link to Rach's blog.

So there goes three weeks. Plus you add my procrastination. Makes up however long I haven't done this.

But now that I'm caught up, I'll tell you about the rest of life. Later :) and don't worry. I will do it tonight.

Oh yeah. Sorry I don't have any pictures. I will have a couple pictures later. Plus I didn't have a digital camera at girls camp or efy so I'm still waiting for film.